Script Reports
In summer of 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, I set out to read as many plays as I could. To keep track of what I read and what I liked, I decided to use the dramaturgical script report format to make short summaries and identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual plays. Below are my favorites!
Script Report_ The Spanish Tragedy.pdf
The Spanish Tragedy
The Spanish Tragedy
by Thomas Kyd
Script Report_ Everything You Touch (Sheila Callaghan).pdf
Everything You Touch
Everything You Touch
by Sheila Callaghan
Script Report- Death for Sydney Black (Leah Nanako Winkler).pdf
Death for Sydney Black
Death for Sydney Black
by Leah Nanako Winkler
Script Report- Cyrano de Bergerac (Martin Crimp adaptation).pdf
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano de Bergerac
adapted by Martin Crimp
Script Report- Bright Half Life by Tanya Barfield.pdf
Bright Half Life
Bright Half Life
by Tanya Barfield
Script Report- A Maze by Rob Handel.pdf
A Maze
A Maze
by Rob Handel
Script Report- 410[Gone] by Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig (1).pdf
410 [Gone]
410 [Gone]
by Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig